

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)

Why Do We Pray?

Prayer is the center of everything we do at Saddleback. We’re depending on the favor of God to go before us in everything  we do and say. Prayer is powerful because God listens to us. In fact, God is waiting for us to go before him with our praise and petitions! Even the smallest, seemingly insignificant prayer can make all the difference.

Need Prayer?

If there is anything you’ve been praying for, we’d love to be in prayer with you! No matter how big or small, our staff prays over these requests every week.

Request Prayer

Weekly Prayer Sets

Every week people from across our campuses gather in one-hour increments to have focused times of prayer. Find a time at a campus near you and join with others as we contend for renewal and awakening of the Holy Spirit in our generation.

Pray 24/7

God moves at the sound of his people’s prayers, so we’re going to keep praying — 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We invite you to sign up for a prayer slot as we partner with God to shape the world through our prayers!