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Find an Easter service time by choosing a Saddleback location near you!

Celebrate Worldwide

This year, at all our services, you’ll enjoy an encouraging message, live music, and fun programming for your kids. Good Friday & Easter services start Thursday, April 17, and go through Sunday, April 20. We can’t wait to celebrate with you and your family!

You're Invited to Easter at Saddleback

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Celebrate Easter through Baptism!

If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, baptism is your next step—it’s your opportunity to make a public declaration of the new life you now live! This Easter, you can get baptized at one of our services.

Invite A Friend

Send an email or text to friends and family, or download social media invites to post on your accounts!

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What You Can Expect

I've never been to Easter at Saddleback. What should I expect?

We're so excited for you to join us! When you arrive for service, our parking team will help guide you to a parking spot, and if you have questions about where to go any of our greeters are happy to help you. The service will last around 60-70 minutes and will include live music and an encouraging message. We can't wait to see you here!

Where is Saddleback Church located?

We have 15 locations in Southern California and five international campuses! Click here to find the campus closest to you. If there isn't a campus near you, join our online community!

Do I need a ticket or reservation?

No! You're free to come to whichever service without advance notice.

What should I wear?

Most people dress very casually when they attend a service—T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Wear what you’re comfortable in!

Where do I go after I arrive?

You can meet one of our Welcome Team members at The Hub, and they would be more than happy to show you where you need to go. And you can grab some free coffee!

What about my kids?

Saddleback Kids (SK) is our programming for kids from birth through 5th grade! Every SK environment is fun, safe, and age-appropriate. When you arrive at your campus, greeters are available to guide you to our Saddleback Kids check-in area.