Over the next five weeks of this study, you will be challenged to dream God-sized dreams in the following five areas:
God’s dream for your life
God’s dream for your family
God’s dream for our church
God’s dream for your community
God’s dream for our world
God is inviting us to dream bolder, brighter dreams to make the biggest impact with our lives. Whether you're already hosting a group, looking to start a new group, or to join a group, register to get your copy of the Dream Now book.
Pick your study guide at your campus’ distribution area on the weekends of February 15/16 through February 22/23.
Dream Now for Your Life
Week 1
Dream Now for Your Family
Week 2
Dream Now for Our Church
Week 3
Dream Now for Our Community
Week 4
Dream Now for Our World
Week 5
Whether you’re a first-time Group HOST or you’ve been hosting for a long time, we’re here to come alongside you to help you lead your group during Dream Now. Tune into the Help for HOSTs Podcast to see how to make the most of your small group time.